I'm creating a parallel circuit with 4 branches/conductors, which are connected to an AC power source emitting a signal of 5V p-p at 60 kHZ in sine waveform.Can I use any old copper wires? Or should I use a specific type/heavier type of wiring for this? Any good ones you can suggest?Thanks!
If your dealing with an A.C. source of 115 volts, answers #1 #2 below prevail! It appears your trying to build a power supply even though 5 volts is somewhat strange, make a trip to Radio Shack. In answer to your question, for an experiment, as long as the insulation on the wires have not deteriorated, old wire will work fine. Low voltage below 32 volts is pretty save but STAY AWAY from 115-120 volts a.c. as it causes the muscles to contract and you can't let go of it!
With only 5 volts any kind of wire insulation would work well. The diameter of the wires needs to be adequate for the amps flowing through.
Hello X.Normally I just let the world turn here but I saw the question about the medical machinery. If your in an experimental stage using AC voltages of any magnitude I suggest you look back into history and read the work of Thomas Edison and his rail on Tesla about killing the children in the streets . Although your work may have a beneficial aspect you need to get some on site help with the electrical or I'm afraid you'll end up as one of those hypothetical children.This is not my attempt to answer your question but an attempt to solve your problem.Have a good one work safe the E
If you are over 16 years old there are some basic things you should have learned in high school that would allow you to figure this out. No offence, but you should not be playing with stuff you don't understand.
An copper wire would be fine, unless you are drawing a lot of current. From what I recall of your previous questions, the current is in the mA range, so you could use any wire from #32 on up. And I repeat my previous statement, you are playing with passing electrical currents through the human body. This question reinforces my previous opinion about your lack of any knowledge about electricity. Please, before you kill someone, find a different toy. .