What type and size of welder do I need to do auto body work?
I knew you were going to say that and take that silly helmet off you look like a turkey on stilts.
Depends on type of work requiredThe old reliable oxy is very good but needs lots of practice as control of heat is very importantProbably best all round would be MIG which can now be bought cheaply and many sellers run courses for buyersYou can also weld aluminium which is an advantage on some model cars.
I knew you were going to say that and take that silly helmet off you look like a turkey on stilts.
Depends on type of work requiredThe old reliable oxy is very good but needs lots of practice as control of heat is very importantProbably best all round would be MIG which can now be bought cheaply and many sellers run courses for buyersYou can also weld aluminium which is an advantage on some model cars.