Also, what is the difference between D1 and D2 diesel? Which one do heavy equipments use?
diesel is diesel,, some have colourant added to show how much tax is payable. In the UK all plant use red diesel, British Gas uses a green version.
both will work fine in anything d1 is cleaner burning than d2 there is what is called off road diesel this is colored so that if any one looks they will know, the offroad version is sold for off road use only, and has no road taxes added on, anyone caught on the highway with the wrong fuel gets a large fine.
I would think the cetane rating (diesal equivalent of octane) is different. Also one might be for cold weather. They switch the fuel at the pump as neccesary. Road-use fuel is low sulpher and heavy equipment needs the higher sulpher content for their engines. That is the reason there is both road and offroad diesel, and use of offroad diesel for road use violates emmision laws. Offroad diesel is dyed so it can be identified if some one one is using it illeagally.