What type of Rock Is This(Pictures Included)?
It's chert, most likely some sort of jasper. Chert is any form of microcrystaline quartz including flint, chalcedony, jasper and agate. It most commonly forms by 'growing' in voids within rocks from water that contains a small amount of dissolved silicon. It's probably heavy because it is a very solid rock with little void space, and also because it contains iron, which precipitates into the crystal structure the same way, also giving it it's dark brown/black color. Just a guess, it probably formed and was found near Bald Eagle Mountain.
Sorry i cant help you but that could be any type of rock it could be metamorphic, igneous, or even sedimentary i mean it has a lot of different types of rocks into it . There is rocks from like under ground from lava and stuff that melts into it.
Check the page at: aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/tomatoproblemsolver/ It has photos and descriptions of tomato issues.
Hard to say from a picture, without any tests. It appears weathered, could be limestone, dolomite, a conglomerate or many other things.