What types of mixes, salts,buffers,additives, etc . Should i use for my 40 gallon saltwater aquarium?
properly, i in my view love fancy goldfish, notably Ranchus, #a million could be what i could do. I even have by no potential seen a Ranchu at a puppy shop regardless of the undeniable fact that, yet purple Caps are very consumer-friendly. i think of three Fancy goldfish could be pushing it. i desire to propose like a filter out rated for seventy 5 gallons or 2 40s.
I've just used Instant Ocean sea salt for 40 years. it's a great product.You may want to consider crushed coral as a substrate. Kordon Amquel is the top rated tank conditioner to make your cycle hum. Get a good dydrometer so you can be sure of your salinity.