There are some automatic sprinklers that water an athletic field right outside my window, and the sprinkler is maybe a foot away from a poleI was wondering if anyone can think of anything that might diminish the sound of high pressure water on poleThere must be some material that could wrapped around the pole that would minimize the sound, and be somewhat unobtrusive.
Drive a small round post or large dowel into the ground near the sprinkler head which deflects the water flow as it aproaches and passes the aluminum pole areaIf you orient and angle the dowel just right, the water from the sprinkler will not hit the pole or hit with lower force and the small diameter dowel will not be too conspicuous.something around 1/2 to 3/4 inch diameter but it depends on the distance to the pole.the further away it is, the smaller the dowel can beOr place a flat rock or block near the sprinkler head which angles the water flow upwards more and diminishes the impact of the water stream against the pole o.pole / / /.deflected water stream o.dowel | o.spray head