it would go through technical difficulties and re-boot it's self ]
Transformers use a ferromagnetic material have permeability and is not linear, there is a magnetization curve, the B-H curve , a common transformer is designed for work in the linear zone of the B-H curve,however if you aproach a permanent magnet to the transformer core you are adding a DC component to the H component of the B-H curve, then you are changing the operational zone of the transformer. If the magnet is of high intensity, then you can move the operational point near to the saturation zone of the B-H curve, at the knee of this curve, then you will get a large inductance variation , a magnetical circuit with variable inductance is known as parametric system, then induced voltage will be: V L * di/dt + i * dL/dt It creates extra energy becomes from the internal magnetical domains of the core. This is the way the Tom Bearden M.E.G ( Motionless Electromagnetic Generator ) works using a permanent magnet as energy amplifier, however the magnet intensity must be such as the magnetic material operation working zone can be near to the knee of the B-H magnetization curve, or near to the saturation zone In practical setups the magnet is not placed on the transformer, is placed inside of the cross section of the core. Bye