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Whatever happened to crazy old token colored republican Ben Carson? Did he wander into a Trump rally and get lynched?

Whatever happened to crazy old token colored republican Ben Carson? Did he wander into a Trump rally and get lynched?


He's in Egypt overseeing the construction of new grain silos.
Nope but I hear that token democrat obamy got elected. Imagine that!
I've been missing him lately too. So, maybe he has been abducted. Trump wouldn't kill Carson. They really try to avoid that now. Without the sheets and crosses, it just doesn't turn them on like it used to. Trump would rather lie and roast him politically.
token colored republican Ben Carson A token colored person is when an employer doesn't like hiring colored people, but they hire one, just so they can't be accused of not hiring colored people. They don't hire any more than one, because one is all they need to avoid being accused of not hiring colored people. Do you think that someone hired Ben Carson? And if so, who? Do you think something is preventing more colored people from running for president? And if so, what? Also, Carson wasn't the only colored person who was running for President. There was Bobby Jindal too. Whatever happened to... Ben Carson? He's still around, but his poll numbers have decreased, in part due to the increased scrutiny he received after his poll numbers increased.
If your point was valid you would not have to post anonymously like a coward.

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