Whats something you HAVE to take with you when you go camping?
Beer Tent/ tarps Air Mattress Mattress Pump Broom Camping chairs Fold-out table Sheets Sleeping Bags Pillows Extra blankets Bug Spray Medicine Soap/shampoo/washcloth Towels Deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush Hand sanitizer Sunscreen Sunburn gel Ziplock bags Dishsoap/sponge Roll of T.PBaby wipes Paper towels Q-Tips Shower bag Food Condiments Grill Stovetop burner Propane tanks Matches Grill accessories Cups Can opener Aluminum foil Table Cloth Pot/pan Dishwashing tub Dry dish-rack Durable paper plates Silverware Water Shovel Frisbee/football Water guns Horseshoes Clothes Water Shoes Flip flops Raincoat/poncho Hiking boots Tennis shoes Garbage bags Bag for empty cans on canoe Clothes pins Clothes line Scissors/knife Tool kit Flashlight Duct Tape