include flex blade pattern and if you like to mix blades and shafts from different brands and add why.
If your a real cook why are you cooking electric? Seriously the coil is bestif you own rental property. Most renters don't take care of sh!t and the coils are usually hundreds cheaper and replacing the coils is cheap too. However the glass top is far superior. Much easier to clean. Spills don't become entangled with the stoves workings and you can just wipe them up. The extra surface is useful for tiny kitchens. The special cleaners are a myth developed by manufacturers to force you to buy expensive maintenance materials. I use water and a razor blade and I have for several years. Windex in a pinch. They do crack but it's not easy. I dropped an iron skillet on mine Edge first from about 24 not so much as a dent or scratch
Ceramic, personally I dont like my coil because it sometimes doesnt cook evenly and I have some foods like rice that are both over done and under done at the same time. My next range will definetly be a flat top.
Ceramic because food falls into the coil and can sometimes smell bad. And they're easier to clean when they're ceramic.
I'm 15 and I have a Senior S13/Sakic Curve/85 Flex. Really quick accurate wristers and backhands, but the slappers are not so good (could just be me lol). I usually buy one-piece sticks, preferably Easton because I can't find any other curve like the Sakic/Hall.
2009 Warrior Dolomite Spyne, Draper curve, 100 flex. It's perfect for me. It's hard to find a stick that works for me because I'm 6-7, but this baby really feels good. I bought like 10 of them just in case.