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when was the last scaffold match in a major wrestling promtion form the usa + bq?

bq: guess this person: he used to have the nickname little naitch


what's a scaffold match? bq- charles robinson the referee
The last one I know of was at TNA's Destination X in March 2008. Rhyno beat James Storm. BQ: Referee Charles Robinson. EDIT: The last old school traditional scaffold match? Hmm...the last one I can remember was at the old NWA Starrcade, the one they called Night Of The Skywalkers, around '86 or '87. The Road Warriors beat the Midnight Express. This was the scaffold match where Big Bubba Rogers was supposed to catch Jim Cornette as he fell but he was out of position and Cornette suffered a major knee injury as a result. There really weren't very many scaffold matches at all in history. A couple of dozen that I know of and most of those took place in Mid-South in the 80's. They were very dangerous (because of the height) and the risk of serious injury very real. The boys just didn't want to do them.

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