For each element, where are they mostly found?I have almost all of them but i am missing carbon, hydrogen, phosphorous and sulfur.
I assume found on earth CCarbonate rocks Limestone dolomite, Every living thing-- anything (i.e. organic), petroleum, coal, methane(natural gas), carbon dioxide H water, every living thing , petroleum, coal, methane(natural gas) anything organic P fossil deposits of shells containing the organically formed mineral apatite, minor component of seawater. Phosphorous is gleaned from sea water to form building blocks of certain shells. S Sulfate and sulfide minerals, volcanic rocks, petroleum and coal reserves, especially prominent in the pyrite family of Iron minerals (FeS), Sulfur bearing minerals form in the absence of oxygen.
In most cases the solder will solidify so quickly you wouldn't have time to dunk it. You could do it just to cool the residual heat for ease of handling, but wouldn't matter much.
Carbon is found in bones, seashells, limestone. Hydrogen is found in water. Phosphorus and sulfur can be found in hot springs and volcanic areas.
We have found all of the elements that exist naturally on this planet, with uranium being the heaviest. The trans uranium elements are all synthetically produced. Since we cannot have half a proton, it is unlikely that we could find other elements lighter than uranium, in outer space. But it could be possible that some trans uranium elements could be found elsewhere, even though not naturally occuring on Earth. Some scietists have theorized islands of stability at high atomic numbers.