My friends and I are building a coffee table and filling the top with beer caps, we have the table built but haven't located a good clear 2-part epoxy resin to use to seal the caps in the top. Does anyone know where I can buy some, or what brands are the best?
Notify your insurance company and report a claim to them. If you have collision coverage that will pay for the damage to your car, less your deductible. Your liability coverage will pay for the fire hydrant. Let the insurance company know you hit the hydrant and where it is located. They will need that to try and track down the proper authority to speak to about the hydrant. It's about 2700-3000 to replace a hydrant.
I have been in combat situations and would have to say that if I had to go back to them I would take a dragunov sniper rifle or an ak 47. These weapons are simple to operate, hit hard and are super easy to clean! I would pick the sniper rifle first due to the range, accuracy and bullet size. If I could not get the sniper rifle then the ak is the next best choice due to bullet size (a little smaller than the sniper rifles 7.62x39 vs7.62x54). Yes, ak's can be accurate - mine has a MOA of 1.5 to 2 at 100yds. If I could put together a force of just 10 men then I would give 2 (of my best shots) D. sniper rifles and the other 8 ak 47s (7.62x39). With this group of just 10 men you would have an effective range of 1200meters (just over 1/2 mi) and danger close range of 300meters.
LMAOwhat is the definition of a troll?
You stated this occurred night; what makes you so sure someone witnessed it recorded your plate? Keep your mouth shut.
How the hell do you not know you hit a fire hydrate? What ever, now you gave the fire fighters something to do besides polishing their trucks and BBQing