hello I recently bought a new car and im looking for a custom alarm system that will be a head turner. im looking for a car alarm system that will sound like the atomic nuclear siren every time someone trys to break into my car again
its almost impossible to find them cheaper than 30 dollars, the lowest i seen them was 32 dollars online. just google them to find a distributor online
I do not of any alarms that have Atomic Nuclear Siren type sounds. There are a lot of car alarms that uses the car's horn [instead of a siren]. There are all sorts of aftermarket car horns with different sounds, so you could check in to that route. Note: Car Alarms sounds just annoy people to the point that when they go off, EVERYONE ignores them. Thieves know this and still will break into cars, pop the hood and rip the wire [or fused] that supplies the car alarm! The best car alarms will disable the starter circuit and page you [by a pager] that your alarm has detected a possible break-in. There is one thing you could do: Get a very loud horn, or siren, and mount it inside the car! When it goes off, the thieve has a problem. It is too loud to steal anything where they are inside with doors open or closed!