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where do you buy dental cement?

where do you buy dental cement?


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from a dentist or ortho
temp cement at any drug store but u still have to see a dentist for a stronger fix.
the dentist told me that they use super glue. i tried it on a cracked tooth cuz i couldnt get in till the next week and it held. not only did it hold but it held so good the dentist had trouble getting it off. She said its not toxic unless swallowed. We use a formof it for cuts in the hospital. there are videos on line on how to do it right. it works. the stuff in the store doesnt work very well.
If you are speaking about cement for a crown,. you can get temporary cement at a drug store in the dental isle. But remember that it is only temporary and you need to see a dentist asap to have the crown cemented professionally. If you do it your self, you will not get a proper seal therefore leaving an opening for bacteria and food to get in and cause decay that can go undetected, destroying the tooth. As for ortho cement, again, you need to see the dentist. Never try to treat a dental problem yourself. Leave it for the professional who went to school and earned degrees in their field.

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