Like where does it leak from and to. Does the carbon monoxide leak into the venting and like go all around the houes or is it a part of the furnace that leaks it. Cause my dad said he had a detector in the room or something and im a bit confused and concerned.
In File System, records are utilized to store information while, collections of databases are used for the capacity of information in DBMS. Despite the fact that File System and DBMS are two methods for managing information, DBMS obviously has numerous advantages over File System.
Notice can be a note on the door. He does not have to actually make contact, leaving a note or voice mail counts just fine. You were gone 4 days, he easily could have given notice, you do not have to be home. Yes, the property owner is allowed to film his property. It is NOT your house, you are seriously confused, this is HIS house. He can not open your private property and film that though. He can open his closets his cabinets, etc, but not your entertainment center (unless of course it belongs to him), your furnature, etc. There is nothing intrusive, you are taling about private property that belongs to him, not you.
He does not need to contact you directly. Simply placing a notice on your door is legal notification. (which he is using against me. HIS realtor says the apartment is in good condition and clean). If the apartment has zero damage and cleanhow is the landlord using the video against you?