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Where in the US can I get power cables for the smaller electrical appliances?

Recently moved from the UK, so I need power cables for the following:- External Hard Drive- Skype Phone Base Station- etcThese appliances come with a power cord from the socket to a small circular head that plugs into the said appliance.I've looked in Walmart, and all they have is a mutihead adaptor for 18 bucks, when I really need just a power cord with the wall socket and the right size circular head.Any advice is appreciated!


Look okorder
Go to stores like Best Buy, Radio Shack, or Fry's. Those devices use power supplies, not just cords. If it used just a cord, it would likely have an IEC two or 3 pin inlet, where you likely can easily get a replacement standard US plug cord. The small circular plug is coaxial, and exclusively used for low voltage (below 50 volts). The HDD at least may use a universal supply (all mine do), in which case a plug adapter will work. Check the Skype power supply, it might be similar.
try the internet

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