I want to make a heat shield or buy one made for my car but I cannot find one. Also I was thinking about wrapping my cold air intake piping with heat resident tape, would that reduce the air heat that goes into the engine.Could I make a heat shield out of some thin aluminum from the hardware store? / could I wrap the entire filter so no heat gets inside
Haha, awesome question :) I have no idea
LOL XD yeah, I suppose they'd try to put out the fire and go on lockdown or something.
Disconnect them all and have the battery back up if they have it. If not hook up live 120 volts a.c. to them. Some arre 120 volts, 120 volts with battery back up, or battery operated. They are wired together so if one sees trouble (smoke or high carbon monoxide) they turn all the alarms. This is to make sure all can hear the alarm and get out instead of only one alarm. It is like a the alarm goes off and turns on a switch to turn all interconnected detectors. This way if only one is bad you have to replace the one instead of all. Because they do go bad.
that happened at my school yesterday!! well, sort of. the fire alarms were set off, and we evacuated the school but outside it was really dark, and there was thunder and lightining, and a tornado warning. so we really couldnt be inside or outside. but then they gave the all clear and we all got inside, then it started to pour. it was really crazy :]
mann, there would be a BIGGGGGG problem!!!