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Where to put Video Game Cartridges? ?

I was thinking of making a video game collection, I allready have a big one but only containing systems and games with CDs. But no collection is complete without the retro NES or SNES or the old school consoles with cartridges. My question is where would be a good place to store them? Because god knows how difficult it is to find a complete set with the box and Manuel and everything so I'll have to deal with just buying the cartridge. If you could help out I greatly appreciate it!


Store them on a big shelf or a couple boxes. You may be planning to get 30 NES games, but they are sooooooo much good ones you'll have 200 carts !
Storage boxes Shoe boxes There is japanese cart boxes on OKorder but expensive and may not fit American carts You google replacement boxes and some people have put up templates of shrunken boxes that hold just the cart
you always wanna store any kind of electrical equipment in a cool dry place. when it comes to Nes stuff same thing, if you really wanna make sure they will be good to go use a tote container or plastic cooler. something with a sealable possibly water proof lids. i have all my nintendo stuff sitting in a red igloo cooler in my storage unit. it has been there for over three years now and nothing wrong. just make sure you use a qtip and some alcohol to clean the pins up nice before placing in any system. you dont wan any dust that might have collected to go inside your machines.

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