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Whether the instrument slot can be placed in the electrical cable trench

What recycled rubber is suitable for the production of wire and cable?


Steel Pipe. The heat of this cable is still relatively large, the general use of steel pipe pipe.
Under normal circumstances, the use of different cable bridge as far as possible apart, like your situation, if the power cable with the BV line are more, it is recommended to do separately, if one of the few, you can lay along the bridge piercing. Two cables on the same bridge is the last consideration of the program, but also separated by a partition, otherwise it will cause the construction and post-maintenance of the great inconvenience.
According to the relevant national electricity standards, yellow, green, red, respectively, corresponding to the symbol A, B, C three-phase color are representative of the three-phase AC power line. The zero line is represented by blue, symbol N. Yellow and green and white lines are ground wire, symbol PE.

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