Rock Layers of the Grand Canyon Time Period Rock Layers Formed A Kaibab LimestoneToroweap FormationCoconino Sandstone____1_____Supai Group B Redwall Limestone C Muav Limestone____2_____Tapeats SandstoneVishnu Schist
In it's entirety, no. It's like a puzzle different pieces containing series of layers from different time spans, by assembling the disparate parts a virtual column can be demonstrated. It works like this in principal abcd --cdefgh --------hij ---------ijklm -----------klmno ---------------nop ----------------opqrs -------------------qrstu ----------------------tuvw ------------------------uvwxy ----------------------------wxyz Although I'd observe that geological deposition only occurs in certain areas river deltas, lake beds, the seafloor, volcanic areas and so forth. You'd have to date the materials and I'm sure the creationists couldn't have any of that since radioisotopes ain't biblical. Woot another victory for creationism, someone who desperately wants to believe in young earth creationism is saved from the clutches of doubt by creation science. YAWN, these things (creation science) are cooked up to keep the witless faithful from wandering from the fold, no one who has any understanding of geology and biology is fooled or impressed by them. You're only embarrasing sane christians by crapping this stuff into cyberspace.