does copper penetrate more than lead? which has beter trajectory ? does copper damage the rifling more than lead( I clean the bore often)
You're getting into some science stuff now. Does copper penetrate more? Some, but not much. Lead fragments a little more and really hot powders can melt some of the back of the bullet away. More mass in the copper on impact means it will go a little bit further into your target. Trajectory depends on a lot of things, bullet alloy is generally not one of them. Shape, weight, velocity, twist of the shooting firearm, angle of the shot, if it's raining or snowing or there is lots of thick undergrowth - all of that can affect performance and how fast the bullet drops. Lead or copper or even copper coated lead, it doesn't matter, or at least any differences are negligible. However, lead or copper may perform better under different circumstances. For example (I'm pulling out numbers here, this isn't fact) lead bullets may perform best at a 1:12 twist while copper may perform best at 1:10 or 1:15. So there may be an ideal round for a particular rifle, but neither round is more accurate or straighter flying by itself. Most manufacturers cut relief marks in their bullets before they are loaded, so damage isn't really an issue anymore. However, I have heard from some people that copper rounds tend to foul their barrel more. Conversely, I have heard others say copper burned cleaner and lead was worse for cleaning. Which one is better? I guess whichever one has prettier numbers in the next magazine. The truth is that either one, shot accurately and for appropriate game, will make a clean quick harvest. Once you start getting into all this fancy trash you forget what the point is...To shoot and kill a target. If the bullet does that consistently than it's a good bullet.
copper is better. but i live in indiana and i use lead slugs on deers my .223 has copper heads and they work the same
Copper holds the bullet to getter better so it does penetrate better, can be loaded with heaver powder charges so trajectory is flat-er so it is some what a longer range bullet. And copper does very little to no more rifling damage than lead does. The only gun I shoot lead in is my black powder rifles.
coppers better as it does not deform as much as lead.