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Which is the earliest solar energy in China?

Which is the earliest solar energy in China?


. No see, as the window gap, because of the height, waist back, the phase of the cell, and then into the oars of the potential. Therefore, the shadow of the hand, the next step is the shadow of the more, which can be seen. (face to the ophiuroids depression, sunshine, light is gathered inward. From the one or two inch mirror, the light gathering point, like big pepper, more fire, this is also the most fine drum). Regardless of the nature of things, people are also, in the middle is not a matter of fresh. Small is the interest is easy, is not the opposite; the big is to himself as the object, to the thing for himself. Do not seek to hinder, and want to see not upside down, it is difficult to carry on! ("Youyang miscellany") that "the sea to turn over the tower shadow falls", this is absurd. It is common sense that the shadow enters the window
Early in Shen Kuo's "dream pool essays" will have introduced "-- on the ophiuroids ophiuroids as":Ophiuroids according to material all pour, which is also the middle. The operator (the person who is proficient in the calculation of Art), which is called the lattice technique (the arithmetic of the spherical mirror and the method of making the spherical mirror) in ancient china". As the oars, the height (pillar boat oars for shelves) because of it. If Yuanfei air, the shadow and shift with the kite or the middle window gap beam, and then it is the kite kite East is west, East West is the kite. And as the gap in the shadow of the tower window, the middle window beam, and also do a ophiuroids drooping. With a surface of ophiuroids WA, and is forced to illuminate; gradually far no see; this was down.
The earliest use of solar energy in ChinaAccording to historical records, in the early Western Zhou period, namely eleventh Century BC, three thousand years ago, our ancestors invented the "ophiuroids fire".A concave mirror made of copper. To gather the sunlight, ignite moxa cone moxibustion. "Compendium of Materia Medica" the main volume: "ophiuroids, it also. The bronze, the concave surface, friction heat and to Ai Chengzhi, to the fire."

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