I want to know on which jar will heat up slowerI have 2 jars of the same size, filled with water, covered with its lid and placed under the sunThe first one though is covered with aluminum foil all the way through its body, and the other with a black art paper.So thereCan someone help me with this one?
Aluminum foil is a conductor of heat energyHowever, it does reflect radiation from heat sources, so it can reduce heat transfer through radiationWhen aluminum foil is wrapped around something, pockets of air can be trappedTrapped air is an excellent insulator against conduction and convectionHowever, if you want to prevent something like a can of soda from getting warm in your lunchbox, a wool sock will be a better insulatorEven paper toweling is better at insulating than aluminum foil when light is not shiningso Black Art paper will heat slower
Soldering is an option, But I wouldn't recommend it for a long term fixBreak down and replace the line.