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Which one is better on the solar cells panel? The Monocrystal Solar Energy Cell or photovoltaic cell?

Which one is better on the solar cells panel? The Monocrystal Solar Energy Cell or photovoltaic cell?


The Monocrystal Solar Energy Cell and photovoltaic cells both has its advantage and disadvantage, so it really depends on what you use them for.
It depends on where you put the solar cells, and what will you use them for. But I do think photovoltaic cell is better.
The photovoltaic cell is better in collecting the sunlight, which means it will be more efficient when the sunlight is better.
Since most of people I know, the function of the solar cell is for some home-based lighting and watching TV, it doesn't really matters if it is Single crystal silicon or polycrystalline silicon solar energy cell.
I tried both, and I noticed that photovoltaic cell is better at collecting the sunlight, which can be converted into the power supply I need. In this way, I think photovoltaic cell is the best!

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