Which sponge is non-toxic and does not release toxic gas and can be exposed directly to the human body?
When the heat becomes soft, the hand feels sticky. The majority of PVC, the softer the plasticizer and the lower molecular weight polymer, the more generally unsafe.In fact, as long as the attention to the use of conditions, plastic is not long-term exposure to food, high temperature do not touch food. Not long-term exposure to a single plastic products, aging plastic products, timely replacement, so that it is safe.
The plastic is impure and may be recycled plastic or doped with other plastics. This plastic is not guaranteed to be safe from its source. Such as medical waste plastics and garbage collection.
The general features of poisonous plastics are:The color is strong and strong because of the addition of large amounts of paint (organic or inorganic). But cheap paint is poisonous.