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Which way should the stove pipe go for a wood stove?

A professional installer just installed a wood stove with the male section of pipe going up into the female towards the roof. Creosote is dripping down the outside of the pipe and I don't think that is good.


Static cling is more common in the winter because the air is usually more dry in your home this time of year. Use dryer sheets in the dryer to help reduce static cling. (I like fragrance free ones) And you can also rub one on the clothes that are giving you problems outside the dryer. You can keep a dryer sheet in your pocket in case it gives you problems at work. That usually helps.
Let the height of the building and lightning rod be h1, the height of the building alone be h2 and the height of the rod alone be h(r). tan74 h1/500 h1 500tan74 1743.7 feet tan66 h2/500 h2 500tan66 1123.0 feet h(r) h1 - h2 620.7 feet - .
Height of building y ft height of tower x ft tan 66? y / 100 tan 70? ( y + x ) / 100 100 tan 70? y + x 100 tan 66? y 100 ( tan 70? - tan 66? ) x x 50.1 ft_____ length of rod

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