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White light vs regular light bulbs?

I've converted all my lights in my room to white lights, and only kept a few spot lights for decoration.Is it true it's better for the eyes to have this type of lighthing?


Yup better for the eyes and wallet
I have heard that it is, but I don't know if I totally agree with it though. I guess it would be so you could see better...but wouldn't lights being too bright hurt your eyes too? I.E the Sun. I don't know what to think honestly....I guess it just depends on who you ask...
Yes, there have been studies that have indicated that white light is better. Specifically, outdoor metal halide lights produce a bluish white light while high pressure sodium produces a yellow light. It takes less light from metal halide to light an area than it does from high pressure sodium because, according to studies, the eye perceives more light in white conditions than in yellow conditions. It's not a matter of which one puts out more light, but what the eye perceives as brighter. This is why you can read a newspaper under a full moon (1 footcandle) which is a white light. All this said, putting white light, like fluorescent, in your room would be more pleasing to the eye than a yellow light, like incandescent.

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