i would have to go with dr. crusher. best answer goes to the person who explains there answer the best.
Reginald Barclay He always appeared to be nervous and lacking in confidence, stammering profusely, and was known to be reclusive and extremely introverted. You have to wonder how he ever managed to graduate from a military academy. Barclay has characteristics associated with many negative nerd and geek stereotypes. While possessing great technical skill and sincere enthusiasm, he seems anxiety-ridden, socially awkward, and self-conscious. Barclay was also a hypochondriac and was prone to self-diagnosis – he once thought himself to have transporter psychosis; on another occasion, he believed himself to have Terellian Death Syndrome. He prefers to use the 23rd century equivalent of a blow-up doll (holodeck) rather than interact with any real girls. (Of course if I had access to Holodeck technology I might never come out) I think even Beverly Crusher could kick his @ss in a fight.
Wesley Crusher. Every plot point revolving around that douchebag breaks down to: (1) All these highly-trained adults are stupid (2) Wesley will forever be a virgin because he's totally asexual (on the planet of the scantily-dressed people, he wanted to play ball -i not euphemism ball - actual round thing you throw. WTF kind of teenaged boy is that?) (3) Gay pride sweater thing he always wears (4) The whole gosh-golly-gee-whiz attitude. This isn't the 50's with Leave It to freakin' Beaver. (5) He's just a wuss. Barf! (6) Even Wil Wheaton hates Wesley