Sometimes I hear this old song on the radio, and I wonder who originally recorded it. It has a reggae beat. Is it on a CD?'Put de lime in de coconut and shake it all about,'Put de lime in de coconut , and call me in the morning...'
One normally doesn't use paint at all. Just lime, salt, and water. 1 Measure out 12 quarts of water. 2 Stir in 3 lbs. of table salt until dissolved. 3 Slowly add in 10 lbs. of hydrated lime. Stir until dissolved. 4 Paint the tree trunks with a thick paintbrush. If the bark is very rough, use more water in the first coat to thin the mixture and soften the bark. But they are your trees, so do them any way you like. If you just want them to be whiter, then it shouldn't take much paint to accomplish that.