My little cousin cries a lot when I turn the vacuum on and the dog runs away barking. Why? Sorry if this was a dumb question, I was just curious.
There just very annoying. My mom said I hated them even before I was born, when she used the vacuum cleaner I would kick the **** out of her from the womb. And if I hear one now its going out the window
I don't think it's a dumb question at all. I think it's because it's so loud and it moves around like it's alive!!!
Vacuum makes a noise that either confuses them or they just don't like it.
We had a Golden Retriever who would sit for hours with shot guns going off and never budge. A vacuum cleaner sent her under the bed. We now have a year old Yellow Lab who thinks it's a toy and attacks it and tries to chew it the moment it comes out of the closet. If we want to clean the dog has to be put in another room. I hate vacuum cleaners. They are noisy. But reality says I have to use them now and then. So I guess I'm saying there is no one rule fits all for liking/disliking vacuum cleaners.
It all started long long ago, in a land where children dogs and vacuums lived in harmony. The vacuums silently cleaned up after the children and dogs for decades, but soon the vacuums grew tired. they never got a thankyou and were always ignored by the children playing and the dogs running around. Vaccums never got a break, they never had fun. The vacuums decided it was time for a change and attacked the children and dogs with their loud noises. They sucked up all of the toys and all of the fur and soon there was nothing left but the sounds of terror that raged from the vacuums. Things were never the same again.