Why Are the Russians Still Using Vacuum Tubes In Many Technologies, EMP?
EMP's or Electro-Magnetic Pulses could knock out our entire defense system which runs by PC's.EMP's shut down all electronics including PC's!! These weapons are not directly responsible for the loss of lives, but can disable some of the electronic systems on which industrialized nations are highly dependentDevices that are susceptible to EMP damage, from most to least vulnerable: 1Integrated circuits (ICs), CPUs, silicon chips 2Transistors 3Vacuum tubes (also known as thermionic valves) 4Inductors, motorsTransistor technology is likely to fail and old vacuum equipment surviveHowever, different types of transistors and ICs show different sensitivity to electromagnetism; bipolar ICs and transistors are much less sensitive than FETs and especially MOSFETsTo protect sensitive electronics, a Faraday cage must be placed around the itemSome makeshift Faraday cages have been suggested, such as aluminium or aluminum foil.
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