One side has more glaze and shine, while the other side lacks it.
Are you seeking to conceal the pan after it extremely is finished baking for storage purposes or are you seeking to line the pan previously baking? If for storage purposes - confident aluminum foil or maybe plastic wrap could be a great conceptIf to line the pan (which i've got by no skill heard of whilst baking a cake) in simple terms grease the pan with butter or shortening ratherThe aluminum could desire to stick on your cake.
Commercial aluminum foil ranges in thickness from 0.00017 to 0.0059 inand in width from 0.250 to 61 inIt is produced with two sides bright or one side bright and one satin finishedThe latter, common for thickness less than 0.001 in., is produced by pack rolling: Two sheets of foil are passed through the rolling mill at the same timeThe faces in contact with the rolls have a bright, specular finish, while the mating faces have a satin finishFoil more than 0.001 inthick is normally rolled in single sheets and is available with two sides brightIf one sheet is passed through two rollers, then it will be having a bright,specular finish as both the faces will come in contact with rollers which are hardened and having 3 delta finish.
why not buy ur mother new iron from wal mart for like less than 10 buck?