no really why are there brails on fire alarms
Aside from underground, your home is the safest place you can be. The odds of being struck by lightning are very low. Inside your home reduces the risk even further. Electricity is lazy, it follows the path of least resistance. Since a house is not a good conductor of electricity lightning doesn't want to strike there. It's far more likely to strike a tree and antenna structure. Now, having an antenna on the roof can act as a lightning rod and be an attractive target for lightning. The purpose of the lightning rod is not to prevent lightning but to attract it. In doing so the idea is to control where the lightning goes. Rather that strike the peak of the roof and possibly start a fire it strikes the rod and travels down a wire to the ground. A barn for example in a large field becomes an attractive target because it's the only tall thing around. That's why you find lightning rods there often. The most dangerous part of a storm is the wind, followed by flooding if it rains enough for it to occur. Relax and enjoy nature's light show. As TJ says, there is a risk of injury if you're in contact with wiring or appliances when lightning strikes where it can get into the system such as upon the power lines. Good grounding is the best thing you can do to prevent injury or damage from lightning.
u r not safe if u have an open chimney. (
Not completely unless you have lighting rods installed.
You are fairly safe from being directly struck by lightning, but you are not safe from its effects if it hits your house or power line while you are using appliances or devices that are plugged into your homes outlets.
Some hotels do have systems that can detect if a smoke detector is disabled. It is pretty common business. You could make a big deal about that and look into them supplying proof and all. Was it you who did it, maybe it was a previous occupant or even the maid and that sort of thing. But in the end that would cost far more than $250. Spend a $1000 or so on a lawyer and he might be able to make it go away. But the hotel might turn around and have you charged for tampering. It would also take much time and effort. I would just pay it and next time you need a smoke just go outside or book a smoking room. You won't win this one.