Why are towels used for a long time, stains will appear, and more and more big?
Towels every day with our close contact with the body, the main component of cotton fiber it is easy, if the cleaning method of "shelter evil people and countenance evil practices" is not correct, will become a source of pollution in the home. The towel often Zhanyou human sweat, tear secretion, and contamination from the environment of pathogenic microorganisms such as chlamydia, Staphylococcus aureus, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and mold, if you do not wash, Qin sun, a large number of bacteria in the towel in retention, reproduction, with such a towel and wipe the body, probably cause infection. Therefore, wash out the towel after the timely cleaning, it is best to wash with soap once a day, and then dried in the sun. It often happens that the towel hardens after a period of time. This is mainly because the free calcium and magnesium ions combine with soap and adhere to the towels. In addition, the long residue of dirt is also one of the reasons for hardening. In order to prevent the towel hard, in addition to regular cleaning, every time with soap and water or lye water, towel will boil a few minutes; boiling, the towel should be fully immersed in water, avoid contact with air oxidation and increase the strength and brittleness.
How to wash the towels with vinegar soak for half an hour, and then took a towel and a corner of the ring Lun left for a while, the small coil on the towel off, and then dry again, I tried, the effect is very good, very soft towel! Convenient, practical and simple!
The number of towels with more, will become greasy sticky and hydroscopicity, and exudes a rancid flavor, more wash with soap instead of the more viscous. At this time, can use the appropriate amount of salt scrub, blanched with hot water, then rinse with cold water, not only can make the towel to restore its original color, smell can be eliminated. The towel fabric used for a long time, deep inside the crevice of bacteria fiber is difficult to remove, cleaning, drying, high-temperature cooking etc. can only control the number of bacteria in a short period of time, and not permanently remove bacteria. Long term use of old towels can lead to bacterial invasion. So it's better to change a new towel for about three months.