Home > categories > Home Appliances > Vacuum Cleaners > Why do British/English accents always sound so pompous and arrogant?

Why do British/English accents always sound so pompous and arrogant?

Especially that guy who sells vacuum cleaners.


Only the posh ones sound pompous.
I'm Sweating... There's a reason why the most of Europeans think you Americans are uncultured and stupid... Because the most of American tourists in Europe are uncultured and stupid! As you think that we're all snob and arrogant, we do think that you Americans are stupid hillbillies... Even if both our ideas are wrong and uncultured... Just stereotypes! We're all the same... In the US you have intelligent and cultured people but stupid, uncultured and arrogant people also! The same here in Europe... We have intelligent, open minded people and stupid, pompous people... Anyway British accent is not so terrible for me, even if I prefer to use the American one, more open and informal, I think.
I have always felt this way too!! I think it's because most Europeans are that way and brought up that way. Because not only do they sound that way...they are that way! Especially to Americans because they think we are so uncultured. Im so sick of Europeans acting this way. At least we do it fake! haha
There are many different british accents. We don't all come from london.
Same reason all American accents make the speaker sound slow and stupid.

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