I'm making a homemade capacitor out of aluminum foil paperI am using the foil as my quot;conductorsquot; .if that's what you call it when speaking of a capI am using paper as my dialetric.Why do they have to be next to each other? .the aluminum sheets that is.What difference does it make?Why can't I say piss on the paper (dialetric) and place on sheet of foil over there, the other one over there somewhere(assuming on a non-conductive surface)Hey thanks hey
If you put two pieces of tinfoil on a table, that's a capacitor There some tiny amount of capacitance between any two conductors with a dielectric between them, and air is a dielectricBut if you want enough capacitance to actually measure, you want more than just random 'stray' capacitanceHow do you do that? By increasing the size of the plates, and by getting them closer togetherThe way to get them really close together is to put a piece of paper between themThen roll them up to force them closer to the paper(Or you could glue them together!) You roll them also to save spaceIf you piss on the paper, I mean besides being disgusting and smelly, it won't workYour urine is more conductive than air or paperIf you used two different kinds of metal and piss between them, that's a battery!