Why do churches even bother installing lightning rods? Why does the Popemobile have bullet proof glass?
no I was a cook for four years so I know how to handle raw meat without wearing gloves I just wash my hands thoroughly
No, but I wash my hands before and after handling. I don't really like the feel of raw meat so I usually use a fork or some utensil to handle it as well.
im 17 and pregnant too! i just told my mom a week ago.. ill be 6 weeks on sunday.. please just tell her! i know it will be hard, but i had thought my mom would hate me and never look at me the same and kick me out and be so unbelivebly pissed off. and cry alot but you know what, she didnt cry she rubbed my back and told me it was all gona be ok. and is supportive on my desision! just do it, the longer you wait the longer you will make up stories in your head on how she will react! good luck, and dont abort it! i know it sounds like the easy way out.. but this is a gift!! please enjoy it :)
I've seen alot of people say God hates sinners. I don't see how this can be true, when God has unconditional love for all mankind. Does the sun not shine on the saved and unsaved? He wants us to receive the free gift of salvation to have eternal life with Him. The very popular scripture, John 3:16; For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH in Him should not perish, but have Eternal Life. When you accept that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Saviour, then you believe, so then you love Him and want to do what He wants you to do concerning all aspects of your life. Just pray that He will guide you in understanding.
I am supposed to and many times I do depending on what it is exactly that I am doing with said meats. I am cook, so it is required by food safety rules to wear gloves and hairnets too. I have a problem with both gloves and hairnets. The gloves tend to be too long for my fingers and I end up slicing off the tips and I don't want to have those tips end up in the food I am cooking, so what I do, is I have a bucket in my sink filled with hot soapy water and I add bleach to it and I wash my hands in that bucket constantly. As for the hairnets? My hair is soft and the hairnets are always slipping off, I just wear a chefs hat or scarves on my head. Some people I work with have hair that acts like Velcro with the hairnets lucky for them.