Why do some 3D glasses are red and blue and some are black, what is the difference between them?
3D glasses are mainly used in the light of the corresponding color and different colors of the pass, so that only two eyes to see the 3D image of a 2 picture. What is not the same, in particular is not clear, ha ha ha, stereo glasses, red / red glasses; decoder glasses; red / GREEN: Red / blue glasses: for three-dimensional film, 3D TV, 3D, stereo image, stereo pictures of Mars: Red / green glasses: (fireworks glasses) to watch the fireworks Japan, eclipse glasses: Gray: completely absorb infrared, and most of the ultraviolet light, and will not change the color of the original scene. Polarized glasses: the use of Polaroid production for field activities, fishing, mountain climbing, skiing, IMAX cinema
Of course it's black. Red and blue is very hurt eyes.
Black is the lens for the polarizing filter lenses, red and blue for the parallax lens, you want to know the details of my question.