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Why do the ac servo motors drive?

Why do the ac servo motors drive?


Common ac motor speed is 1400 RPM, why is 1400, because of the general power supply is 220 v, 50 hz, namely phase transform is 50 times per second, and usually is 4 pole motor, namely transform one revolution of the two phase, coupled with the ordinary ac motor is not synchronized, is ac asynchronous motor, speed than theory is so 50/2 * 60 = 1500 slowly, so is usually around 1400 RPM. Thus, the speed of the motor can be changed by changing the frequency of the power supply. The corresponding controller for a general motor is called a converter. Servo motor control more complex, need to change the frequency, voltage, current, in order to achieve the motor speed, torque, position of comprehensive control, servo drive is doing this. The servo motor is only responsible for how much frequency and voltage you give me, and I do what I do. The frequency, the voltage change, the change in the direction are all changed by the servo controller. Servo controller without logic control ability, in addition, if you need servo motor slow turning first, then faster, then to stop somewhere, inversion, and so on, these signals are in the charge of the upper controller of the servo controller, such as PLC, such as motion controller. And the PLC said, I'm going to change the speed, the servo controller gets the signal, and the frequency one is changed, and the expression on the servo motor is the change in velocity. That's roughly what it means.
All servo motors are driven, there is no drive to dry, how can servo? The servo drive is the control speed, torque, position, direction.
The driver of the servo motor is like the brain of the servo motor, to give a command to the servo motor, and the pulse is made to move.
The motor control card outputs to the drive, which can be communication, pulse, or voltage, depending on the motor model.

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