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Why do the airlines ask you to turn off your celll phones when you are on a plane?

I can understand wanting to reduce the noise in a plane, but there is absolutely no problem with sending SMS messages or checking your email on your Blackberry.For the airline to say that using your phone on the plane effects the instruments and the communication on the plane is an absolute lieThere should be a class action suit against each Airline that makes such a lie.Do you actually think if a single cell phone could affect the communications and instruments of airplanes that they would allow a cell phone within 10 miles of an airport? Absolutely notIn this day and age of powertripping TSA and others, it is nothing more than reminding you who is the boss on a planeNo phones on during a plane, until they learn to charge you for its useAt the moment they have not figured this out yet, so no phone for free.


Let it cool- then pour into any jar with a top- the oil bottle it came from, spaghetti sauce jar, mayo jarThen, I seal it shut and add to the trashNo, don't ever pour it down the sink! Even if I have a little bit in the pan, I'll wipe it with a paper towel instead of placing in the sink.
The most eco-friendly idea is to filter it, and use the filtered oil as fuel for a diesel engine or fuel oil furnace It also can be burned in a charcoal grill, or soaked up with something absorbant (kitty litter or newspapers) and disposed of, in a box or jug, as solid waste Finally, you can pour it into an empty milk jug as is, but you need to attach the lid very firmly (so it doesn't spill all over the trash handlers) and dispose of it in the solid waste.
Let the oil cool and then you can pour it down the drain if you run plenty of hot water with itThe hot water will help it pass through the drain without clogging.
if you drink coffee, save a coffee can and lidWhen its time to change the oil in your deep fryer, just slowly drain the cooled oil into the empty coffee can and seal with the lidJust throw the sealed can away in your dumpsterSome cities may have recycling areas where you can take the to properly dispose ofIf you dont have an empty coffee can, an empty 3-liter coke bottle will workYou may need a funnel to drain the oil into the bottleJust seal tightly with the lidMake sure the oil is not hot when your drain, it will melt the bottleEmpty glass jars will work just as wellDefinitly do not put down the kitchen sink! The oil will harden when cold and clog your pipesPlumbers are very expensive!
WowPeople so stupid shouldn't be allowed near technologyYou call a fact a lie, just because you want it soFACT: Cell phones and wireless devices send out a continuous signal looking for cell towers FACT: The aluminum tube you're riding in allows that signal to reflect and concentrate within the fuselageThat, multiplied by dozens of other wireless devices will absolutely affect electronic equipment onboardThe onboard, inflight phones have the signal routed through an external antenna, outside of the aircraft, something your crackberry doesn't doIf you're going to reference that idiotic Mythbusters episode, their testing methodology had more holes than swiss cheese.

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