why do the people in the beginning of the superduper great movie Pirates of the caribbean 3: at world's end sing hoist the colours? why???
They're pirates and they sing cool songs like that. It also adds to drama.
I had asked the same question four times, and haven't got a good answer
It added to the drama, to show that they where all still together, and still brothers and sisters even through death. They wouldn't have changed being a pirate, they wouldn't have changed their lifestyle, they where happy with the way they lived it. Basically a LONG LIVE THE PIRATES!
to mock and defy authority especially one tt takes away their basic rights as citizens. N defying rules n stuff is wad a pirate is about, the freedom to do wadever u like, to go whereever u like, as captain sparrow as succintly states while in a drunken stupor on the island tt he was made 'governor' of
In the film, Hoist the Colours is known among the pirates of the world and refers to what occurred at the first meeting of the Brethren Court. The song spreads the message throughout the Pirate world that a meeting for the Brethren of the Coast must be called.It likely refers to the binding of Calypso in human form by the Brethren Court in order to control her powers.