Why do you thinnk home fire alarms, which detect smoke and unusually high temperature to warn of fire, are always put near the ceiling?
both are annoying, probably dislike wesley more.
Cats are supposed to groom themselves, right? Yet your frisky feline leaves hair and fur balls on clothing, the couch or carpet. Cleaningand keepingcat hair off your carpet isn't as challenging as you might think. Here are a few ways to keep the carpet free from cat hair. Step1 Comb the cat's hair. Regular combing loosens and removes any shedding hair rather than the hair attaching itself to the ottoman. Step2 Vacuum twice a week. The first vacuum is a thorough onemove the furniture, rugs, work on the pillows and drapes. The second vacuuma few days lateris just a spot vacuum where the cat spends most of her time, such as that certain spot on the couch, bed, or where the sun falls on the floor. Step3 Use an oversize lint roller. Once or twice a week, depending on how much the cat sheds, use a lint roller throughout the house. Look for a roller that has an extended handle and an oversize roll. Step4 Spot clean with a squeegee on your cat's favorite resting places, the places where the most cat fur accumulates. The rubber edge of a squeegee picks up cat fur. - Tips : You can find oversize lint rollers in the home cleaning section of most stores. Look where the brooms, mops and dustpans are located. Consider a wire brush, shedding blade, soft comb or other cat grooming-specific tool. You can find these online or at most specialty pet care stores. Go online and search shed control for more ideas on getting your cat's shedding under control. Keep your cat's fur situation under control to reduce the likelihood of hairballs.
I had such a crush on Wesley when I was in high school. I loath JJ Binks!! One of the worst characters ever created!
No- the wires run all through the blanket, at best it will destroy the blanket and at worst it will start a fire.
I'd have to say I hate Wesley Crusher less.