Does helium diffuse out of the balloon through the hole, or does it diffuse through the skin of the balloon? If you covered a rubber helium balloon by gluing aluminum foil on it will that prevent helium from escaping so much so that the balloon will stay floating as long as mylar balloons?Or what if you covered the entire balloon with a layer of silicone glue or something? Will that keep the balloon floating longer?
Yes oil or lack of oil in your diet could be a factor.Try adding some flaxseed or borage oil to your diet, even oil olive could possibly helpTry making salad dressings with different types of the healthy oils and see if the condition improves, you may also consider a probiotic, several companies make vegan probiotics, New chapter, Veg-Life,Swanson, Enzymedic, etc.if you do not see an improvement see a holistic or natural medicine practioner.
Try eating an Activia Bio Yoghurt every dayThat should help your digestive system and stop you from feeling continually bloated Too much fibre can clog up the system so you do need to drink a lot of water to flush it through.
Helium is the smallest atom there isIt may be heavier than hydrogen, but it is more compactMoreover, it is a mono-atomic gas, so unlike hydrogen, you are trying to contain very small atoms instead of larger twin atoms in a moleculeHelium will leak through solid metalIt may take centuries to do so to an appreciable level, but the darn thing will leak throughAnything that is more densely packed than the loose molecules of latex in a casual balloon will reduce the leak rateMylar balloon, with their aluminized finish, will therefore make the balloon last longerBut don't expect to have them ready for reuse next yearGluing aluminium on a balloon would not appreciable reduce the leak rate, unless it is make with utmost precision, leaving no gapsThe problem is the glue will probably make the balloon latex more porous, during the process itselfAnd unless you have the thinnest gage of aluminium foil (one that will tear just looking at it), the added weight will probably force the balloon down.