Why does aluminum foil float even though it has a greater density than the water itself? Im sure every 1 will say bouincy but pleaseeee dont there must be soemthing ealse affecting this.like maybe a property that water has? If any one find an answer to this question and replays could you please add the site you got the information from, ty
Maybe the slightest bit of air always gets trapped and it aids in the buoyancy? I am pretty sure that the science experiment I did says that if you make sure that there is no air under a perfectly flat piece of foil, it will sinkHowever, if you roll it in a ball it will floatthis is because the air is caught in so many places on the ball which feels spikeythat is why it floatsDensity works only if you ball up the aluminumotherwise the density is higher as a flat sheet.