Home > categories > Minerals & Metallurgy > Aluminum Foils > Why does aluminum in the aluminum chloride not have a full octet yet it's a viable molecule?

Why does aluminum in the aluminum chloride not have a full octet yet it's a viable molecule?

The aluminum in aluminum chloride forms 3 bonds with the chlorides, it is obviously missing a pair of electrons or bond.


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That's the reason why aluminium chloride (AlCl3) is only stable at high temperatureAt low temperature, two molecules of aluminium chloride will join together to form a dimer (Al2Cl6) so that it can achieve octetThis is possible because chlorine atom from each molecule will donate a pair of electrons to form the dative bondsCl Cl Cl / / Al Al / / Cl Cl Cl ( The two dative bonds are between the two Al and the central Cl ( upper and lower each)

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