Why does bentonite treat printing and dyeing wastewater well under acid condition?
Therefore, dyeing wastewater treatment should be based on the characteristics of wastewater and its emissions requirements. Such as:The removal of solid impurities and inorganic substances can be accomplished by coagulation and filtration;The removal of organic substances and toxic substances mainly uses chemical oxidation, biological and reverse osmosis;
Dye production wastewater contains acids, bases, salts, halogens, hydrocarbons, amines, nitro groups, dyes and intermediates. Some also contain pyridine, cyanogen, phenol, benzidine, and heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium and chromium. These wastewater components are complex, toxic and difficult to treat.
Decolorization process can be generally used coagulation and adsorption process, the removal of heavy metals can be used ion exchange method.Decolorization process need to use: powder activated carbon, decoloring agentFlocculation, flocculation, precipitation need to use: polyaluminium chloride, polyacrylamide (Yin, Yang, non).