OK I own a 2000 Toyota Celica 2000 GTS. I went to get my car washed today and when I was driving home my car alarm armed and a couple seconds disarmed making the arm and disarming beeps. about a minute later it did the same thing. My remote got ran over by a car in a parking lot about 6 months ago and was totally destroyed. and never worked again. For the past 6 month my car has been working fine with no complaints. I don‘t want to take out the fuse and/or pay an automotive electrician to diagnose the problem for me. Any one have any Ideas on what the problem could be?
UR GUNNA have to get a new control, if u using with out control that might be the reason ur car is doing that because it doesnt know how to lock or unlock
have somebody hit the wash switch you can hear the pump work,if pump is working pull one of the rubber hoses off going to the wipers,hit switch again,if you dont have fluid and pump is working its a bad pump or frozen,if you do have fluid its apluggedd squirter,if pump dont work at all,its either the pump or a fuse
Is the tank frozen? If there was only water in there, at 15 degrees F, it will be frozen. If it is still liquid (not frozen), find out if the pump is working and it if is, check for blockage in the washer line and nozzles.
Don't think you're going to resolve this without spending a few dollars. You need a tech to find out why this is happening. One good result, you'll probably have a working alarm again. Maybe get yourself a second one and leave it home. Just a WAG, but maybe you were driving near someone else's car and they armed and disarmed their car. Sure, there are supposed to be a huge number of codes making this difficult, but without a real tech to tell you, it's hard to guess. Good luck!