i put on foundation and powder , sometimes my face even looks darker than the rest of me, BUT every single times a picture is taken of me, my face comes out all white, no matter what kind of makeup i've used , darker than me or notwhats the deal???
omg i no what you mean here, i wish i was as lucky as those people to be able to buy a $600 pram or an expensive cot/ toddler bed, i recently found the stroller i want 4 my 3rd baby and it was almost $300 so i looked around and found the same thing at big w for $69 i just dont get it, its the same thing. with my first i had a cheapish pram but with my second got an expensive 1 as i needed the toddler seat and the first lasted 2 years be4 we sold it and the dear 1 lasted 6 months be4 it broke its bull **** what ppl waste money on
I use this polish to keep my overhead lightbar lenses clear. You apply it much like you would car polish and then wipe it off. You can order it from the site above or like I do get it from a store that sells plexyglass commercially.
No, it shows that fires destroy buildings all the time. At least science taught them how to make an electrical grounding. There is no mention of that in the bible, for some reason