why does the front end of my ford ranger squeek when i turn my wheels lef to right and hit speed bumps?
I an fenale and have my own house and live alone by choice, I take out the trash, mow the lawn, take care of all the plants and the lawn, build fires in my woodstove,, stack cords of firewood, pick up twigs from the ground out back to use as kindling when building fires to keep house warm, I change the filter in the central heat/air, the batteries in the smoke detectors and the lightbulbs in the recessed lights. I clean the ashes out of the woodstove also, I hire people to clean rainguttters, clean chimney, trim trees. Its not hard stuff, most women could do all this, they just need the opportunity to live alone and deal with it all. It keeps you on your toes.
I think taking out the trash is one of those male dominated industries we hear so much about.
I take it out usually, I should get 72 virgins for taking out the trash. Or just a sandwich
It's usually males who take out females. Chances are if one of them is trash, the other is too.
Thanks for the laugh- Anyway we have 2 gentle looking spurs in our store. One pair are called bumper spurs I think they are the western version of Price of Wale spurs. The other, I don't know if they have a name but they are a spur with a big ball on the end. The ball is about the size of a peanut MM. Those are the two I recommend when someone comes into our store with the question that you asked. Someone here mentioned rubber. We do have rubber in the store but no one has ever bought them so I don't know of any customer feed back. I would be concerned that if left in the sun the ultraviolet light would break down the rubber. Just a thought.